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TLDレジストリ(TLD Registry Ltd)はアイルランドに拠点を置く汎欧州企業です。ハイテク産業やドメイン名業界の著名企業と肩を並べる会社で、Vision+およびベテランのエンジェル投資家グループから資金援助とサポートを受けています。Vision+はノキアやマイクロソフト、その他の年金投資ファンドによって創設されました。ノキア、NAVTEQ、Innofinanceの役員がリーダーシップを担い、知的財産権(IPR)の開発、商業化、保護、訴訟といった分野で確かな専門知識を有しています。TLGレジストリに資金を提供する投資家は、Appleを含め欧州のさまざまなハイテク分野のリーダーたちです。私たちは、経験豊かなVision+のチームやエンジェル投資家たちと緊密に連携するという恩恵を享受しています。
TLDレジストリの創業チームは、高い成長率を誇る企業で経験を積んだハイテク業界のベテランによって構成されています。チームのメンバーがこれまでに在籍した企業は合計で10社を超え、全員が利益を生み出すスタートアップの設立に携わったリーダーとして認められてきました。また複数の企業の取締役やNASDAQ上場企業の最高経営幹部でもあります。経営陣はハイテク業界のイノベーター、ドメイン名産業のエキスパート、セールスやマーケティングの専門家など、ゴルーバルな人材が揃っています。経営陣はICANNやインターネット協会 に加わったことがあり、業界での経歴はメンバー全体で60年以上にわたります。中国でのビジネス経験も豊富で、中国市場に特化したコミュニケーションチームも作られました。
タネリ・ティッカは is a strong leader and serial entrepreneur with a wealth of experience of working with startups. Taneli is passionate about developing businesses, driving organizations to new heights and delivering extraordinary results. Taneli holds an Executive MBA from the Aalto University School of Economics in Finland. Over the past ten years, Taneli has held board director, chairman or leadership advisory positions for more than 30 companies including IRC-Galleria, Dopplr, Soprano PLC, Taika, Stardoll, Applifier, Web of Trust, Umbra Software, BrandMNGR, Netcycler, Transfluent, PackageMedia and Magneta. Taneli has also played an active role in government-backed programs. He was appointed by the Minster of Trade and Industry to oversee Finland's early stage company funding and accelerator program, the Vigo Programme. He also helped to formulate Finland's Innovation Policy, which has been hugely successful. In 2012 Taneli was part of the working party group that wrote the Future Foresight Report, an official parliamentary report written every four years that looks at key opportunities and challenges for businesses.
Arto Isokoski is co-founder and CEO for TLD Registry. Arto is also a partner in directory assistance innovator Suomen 16100 Ltd and owner of Apila Media, a provider of mobile, internet and consulting related services. Prior to founding TLD Registry Ltd, Arto held a variety of business development and project management roles at innovative technology and media companies in Finland such as Finnet Media, Jutel, and Tecono. He was also a senior R&D engineer at Nokia for over five years. Arto is passionate about creating internet and mobile services businesses. His strengths lie not only in his ability to spot market opportunities but also his strong business development and managerial capabilities that enable him to turn an idea into a successful business proposition. An engineer at heart, Arto has a keen interest in mobile devices and all things internet related. He is well recognized in Finland for his expertise in creating a range of internet and mobile services businesses.
With a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Jarno is also a partner in Suomen 16100 Ltd, a fast growing directory and search engine service provider in Finland. He is also head of sales and marketing for Enova Group Ltd. With a very strong marketing and advertising background, Jarno is helping to create the market for Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese Website. He boasts a wealth of experience in strategic management, sales, marketing, business development, and is also very well versed in venture funding. Prior to his current roles he was co-founder and head of sales and marketing at Suomen Vakuusrahoitus Ltd. He was also co-founder of ParkNet Ltd, a private parking company that provides services to more than ten Finnish cities, and founder of Dial Media Ltd. Dial Media was acquired by Elisa PLC in November 2008, and has been known as Enia Ltd since 2010.
Download the latest TLD Registry booklet in English (PDF)
Download the latest TLD Registry booklet in Simplified Chinese (China mainland Mandarin) (PDF)
Download the latest TLD Registry booklet in Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Cantonese) (PDF)
Download the latest TLD Registry booklet in Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Mandarin) (PDF)