All successful domain name investors will know the amazing free resource that is Domain Sherpa. Led by publisher Michael Cyger and supported by "sherpas" (all of which are domain name investor legends) Michael Berkens, Adam Dicker, Rick Schwartz and Page Howe.

logo-domainsherpa-353x95We were surprised and delighted to find our newly-launched Dot Chinese Online (.在线) & Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) TLDs as the first topic of discussion in today's Domain Sherpa web show!

Most of the Sherpas came out strongly in support of the market-leading new Chinese TLDs. Adam Dicker revealed that he's invested quite heavily in our Chinese domains, revealing that he has bought several thousand of our domain names. Michael Berkens very generously endorsed our domains, rating them a "buy", even though he hasn't personally bought in via his domain name investment company Most Wanted Domains (Michael, its still very early days and there are hundreds of thousands of fantastic domains still unbought! 🙂

We invite our readers to enjoy the online web show here: DomainSherpa Discussion: Dot Chinese Launch; LL.TLD Request; Registrar Requirements…

A note to our Chinese readers: we'll make time to subtitle this episode in Chinese and post to our Youku account as soon as possible.

This post is also available in: Chinese (Simplified)